

Old age and diseases can sometimes cause teeth and gum tissue to deteriorate over time. When this problem arises, dentures may be a solution for you. Choosing dentures at CITIDental Rancho is convenient and affordable. 

What are Dentures?

A denture is a removable dental appliance that acts as a replacement for missing teeth and their surrounding tissue. Dentures are designed to closely resemble your natural teeth and can even enhance your smile.

Types of Dentures

At CITIDental Rancho, you have options. Patients can choose between a full set of dentures or a partial set of dentures. A full set of dentures are used when all of the teeth are missing. This can occur in patients with tooth decay. Sometimes teeth have to be pulled before receiving full dentures.
Partial dentures are used when some teeth are missing but other natural teeth remain. A partial fills in the spaces created by missing teeth, while also preventing other teeth from shifting. If a patient still has at least one tooth in their upper or lower jar, they’re given a bridge containing replacement teeth. The teeth are attached to a pink or gum colored base that can be removed to be cleaned or at night when a person is ready to sleep.

The Advantages of Having Dentures

One of the most obvious advantages of having dentures are the aesthetic benefits. Dentures can significantly improve the appearance of your smile, which can help with self confidence and your overall mood.

In addition to appearance, dentures can provide support to the facial muscles preventing bone loss. Dentures also aid in chewing, which can make food more nutritious and enjoyable.

Choosing Dentures

If dentures are right for you, CITIDental Rancho is here to assist. Our dentists will consider your individual needs, dental history, age and lifestyle. We are here to provide you with the best option for your needs. Call us to set up an appointment today! 
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